Infact, I think I am. With some helpful ideas from some friends and unending support from them as well as my wife, things are starting to move along in a big way. On Tuesday night my wife and I sat down and hammered out a thorough/brutal but well rounded work out routine that will carry me every other day for the next year. Since I don't really have any equipment yet we have been getting my training started with a 2.5-3 mile walk each night after work.
However, equipment will be on its way here tomorrow. A friend and coworker of mine gave me a hella good deal on a big universal weight machine that has every one of the possible exercises that I might need for my upcoming events. Combine that with the exercise bike we have and the punching bag for even more cardio, I am hoping to be in the best shape of my life by this time next year.
The fun doesn't stop there though. I said that the work out routine would take me through every other day. To fill in the gaps, with the help of my best friend and wife, we are laying out a course on the spread of our property. There will be a spot for me to practice my weight for distance and stone puts, as well as the 30ft high pole bar to practice the sheaf toss and weight for height. The only one that might present a challenge will be the caber toss...because of the size, height and distance needed for the event, I might have to ask my boss if I can practice in the field behind the mill some nights. I'm sure I'll figure out a way to make it work.
I took a trip to the gravel pit the other night and spent a little over an hour weighing and testing out an assortment of different throwing stones ranging from 16.6 lbs to 29lbs. I will hopefully picking up some burlap sacks and a couple bales of hay this week. The only thing really holding me up is the weights. I really wanted to purchase my weights so they are more "official", more like what Id actually be throwing, but the 56lb weight that I need for 2 of the events is at least $180.00 and the 26lb I need is another $120.o0. It's a lot of money that we don't really have to be investing in the such right now but I am trying to figure out ways to make my own reasonably cheaply, unfortunately everything we come up with costs near the same.
I am going to apologize to some of you. I know you are probably going to get sick of reading about these games and my training but I ask you to understand this. This thing right here, these highland games are the...and I mean the only big thing I have ever done for just myself. Everything I have ever done in all my memories has been done with someone else in mind. And that includes going back to school. Yes, I do want to go back to school, but its so I can make a better life for not just me but my wife, its to make her, my friends and especially my parents proud. Not only do I want this, I need it...I need to prove to myself that I can do it. That I can walk the walk.
Going back to the aforementioned for a moment. School is going really well. I am a little behind schedule but I am going to be taking some extra time at night to get caught up and even get ahead a little bit. So far I am really pleased with the classes and the programs that the Adult Ed uses. By this time next summer I will be completely done all my prerequisites. There has been a slight change of plan however. I was truly hoping that when I went back to school it would be full time, that I would get by on a part time job and I totally dedicate my days to school. That is not going to happen, atleast not for the first couple years. My wife and I have talked about it and agreed that it would probably be best if I kept working full time for the first couple years and took night classes to get all the basics and such out of the way. Its fine I guess, I'm still going to school and thats all that matters.
For now, I have to go to work. There is clean up to be done and a garage to destroy when I get home. This week is going to be a hectic one, my 26th birthday party is next saturday ((BTW, whose coming?!?)) and the house, lawn and garage is a complete wreck. We have family showing up Friday so I lose a day there. So for the next 4 days, wish me luck.
Hey... good luck to you. I know you can do it! As for weights...have you tried craigslist? You can get some pretty cheap stuff on there...and by pretty cheap, I mean free. People give that stuff away.
Come hell or high water...and despite a probable high level of pain meds, I will so be at the party!! You know I wish you all the best of luck with the games, hon. You have my full support!!! MWAH!!!
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